Monday, July 27, 2009

Peach with Creme Fraiche Pie

It's been a bit since I posted, but I've been cooking all along. Just not documenting or tracking it well.

We went to have lunch with some friends Saturday and brought dessert--opting to try this from Smitten Kitchen.

Hers looks lovely, as you can see above. Ours looked bubbly, brown and smelled like a piece of heaven but it did not serve up this pretty. Not sure if we got overzealous with the peaches (I used a few more than called for) or if it was due to substituting the creme fraiche with the stuff you can make with buttermilk (stores around here don't offer much diversity). It tasted fine, wouldn't say it was amazing or that I'd really want to go through the fuss again. I think peach crisp would be just fine. But you're welcome to try for yourselves!

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